Peakhurst Heights NSW 2210

Peakhurst Heights NSW

Schools Near Peakhurst Heights

Schools are a major component of every suburb. Not only do they provide a place for children to learn and grow, but they also bring the community together. In this article, we will explore schools near Peakhurst Heights NSW as well as why these schools are important to the local community.

Peakhurst South Public School

This is a public school that is located in Peakhurst Heights, NSW. It offers both primary and secondary education to students between the ages of five to twelve years old. The motto for this school is “Where Everyone Belongs” which reinforces its theme of acceptance.

Peakhurst High School This is a high school within close proximity to Peakhurst Heights NSW as well as other nearby suburbs like Hurstville Grove, Penshurst West, Mortdale East & Oatley. Students must be over fifteen years old in order to attend this institution which provides them with an avenue to further their studies before entering into adulthood or attending university/college elsewhere.

Aspect South East Sydney School

This is one of the many schools near Peakhurst Heights NSW. It is a private institution that provides education to students in the Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary levels; catering specifically to those who are living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is a specialist school which can be very beneficial for special needs students.

Peakhurst South Public School

This school is located in the nearby suburb of Peakhurst. It provides public education to students in kindergarten all the way up until year six and caters specifically to children between the ages of five to twelve years old.

Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

This is a public college that provides both vocational and academic programs to those living near Peakhurst Heights NSW. It also features courses from the University of Sydney as well as other colleges around the area. This allows for students to take advantage of one-stop shopping so they can complete all their schooling under this single roof which saves them time, money, and headaches.

Peakhurst West Public School

This is a public school that provides both primary and secondary education to the students in Peakhurst Heights NSW. It caters specifically for children between the ages of five and twelve years old; however, older students living within this community may also attend upon request from their parents/guardians.

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(02) 9100 0159

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