Roof Inspection

What To Look For When Inspecting Your Own Roof

A roof’s job is to protect the home and its inhabitants from the outside elements. It provides a barrier between your family and rain, hail, snow, sun, or any other weather that may come their way. Your roof is the first line of defense for your home, and if it is not working properly, you could be putting yourself at risk. This is why it is important to inspect your roof. This means looking for any damage that may have been done and taking care of it as soon as possible.

There are a few things you should look for when inspecting your roof:

Algae, Moss or Piles of Leaves

This is a tell-tale sign that your roof is in need of repair or replacement. If you see algae, moss, or large piles of leaves on the roofing system themselves, this could be an indication that there are leaks and water damage occurring inside the home.

Algae tend to be green or black, Moss is usually dark and flat like a smooth rock. Leaves tend to pile up on the lower half of your roof closer to the edges because that is where they are blown by the wind.

If you see any of these things, it is time to call a professional.

Cracks on Roofs

This may indicate that there has been an impact on your roofing systems, such as high winds or hail damage. Cracked roofing should not only be patched but also replaced so you do not have any leaks coming into your home. If there are cracks at multiple places, it’s best just to replace them all together rather than wasting time trying to patch each individual crack over and over again which will prove more costly than if you would’ve simply changed out the entire roof.

Missing Roofing Material

If you notice that there are missing tiles, metal sheets, or the material you have used on your roof, especially near the edges where water typically pools up during rainstorms or heavy showers, this is another indication of damage and requires immediate attention.

If roofing materials have been ripped off in strong wind gusts or due to impact with an object (such as tree branches) it’s best to replace them all together rather than trying to find replacements for each one individually which can prove costly over time if not done properly the first time around. This could also lead to leaks inside your home which will cause further problems down the road both financially and physically so make sure you do a thorough inspection before deciding what needs repaired and/or replaced right away.

Roofing Granules in Gutter

When you are inspecting your roof, also take a look at the gutters. This is where you will be able to see how many roofing granules are left on your roof. If there are a lot of granules in the gutters, it means that your roofing material has been on the roof for a long time and need to be replaced soon. It’s important to keep an eye on this because once all the granules are gone, the roofing system will start to deteriorate very quickly and will eventually need to be replaced whether you like it or not.

Roof Edges Curling Up

If the edges of your roofing system are curling up, this is a sign that they are in bad shape and need to be replaced as soon as possible. Curled roofs indicate that there is moisture trapped underneath which will eventually cause leaks and water damage if left untreated. Also, these curled roofs are more likely to be ripped off by strong winds which will only lead to leaks and further problems down the road. This is definitely something you don’t want to ignore.

Your Attic’s Ventilation

This is another important thing to check when inspecting your roof. Without proper ventilation, your attic can get very hot and cause damage to the roof itself as well as the insulation and other materials inside. Make sure that there is an adequate amount of ventilation in your attic by checking for vents on the roof as well as gables or eaves. In case you don’t have any of these, you will need to contact an expert who can install vents in your attic for proper ventilation.

Your Gutters and Downspouts

Another important part to check while inspecting your own roof is the gutters and downspouts which collect water from the roof during rainstorms and heavy showers. This will allow it to flow away from the home rather than pool up against it where leaks could occur if left unattended for too long. Make sure that this area around your house is clear of debris such as leaves so that water can easily drain out and away from the home.

If your gutters and downspouts are clogged with leaves or other debris, it will prevent water from draining properly which could lead to leaks and water damage around your home. Make sure to clear this area of any obstructions so that water can flow away easily. Also, clean out your gutters regularly since leaves can accumulate very quickly.

The Condition of your Roof’s Decking

Your roof’s decking is the layer of material that sits directly on top of your home’s framing and is what the roofing is nailed to. If this layer is in bad condition, it can cause the roofing material to warp or come loose, which will eventually lead to leaks. Check for any signs of damage such as rotting, warping, or sagging and if you see anything wrong, have it repaired right away.

Your Roof’s Flashing

Flashing is a material that is used around chimneys and other rooftop fixtures to prevent water from seeping into the home. If this area is not properly sealed or installed, water will eventually find its way in and cause all sorts of problems like leaks, rot, and mold growth. Make sure to check for any signs of damage or improper installation and if you find anything wrong, have it fixed right away.

The Age of your Roof

One of the most important things to look at when inspecting your own roof is its age. Most roofs only have a lifespan of about 20-25 years so if yours is getting close to that mark, it might be time for a replacement. If you’re not sure how old your roof is, contact a roofing contractor to get an estimate for a new roof and they can also help you choose the best type of roofing material for your home.

To determine the actual age of your roof, you will need to call a professional contractor who can come out and inspect it for you. They will be able to give you an approximate age as well as recommend the best type of roofing material that would work with your home’s exterior design.

Safety Tips

Now that you have chosen to inspect the roof yourself, there are a few safety tips you need to keep in mind:

Inspect the Roof From The Ground Up

This is the safest and easiest way to make sure that your roof is in good condition since you won’t be putting yourself at risk of falling off the ladder or rooftop. Therefore, always inspect your roof from the ground up so that you don’t miss anything important.

Take Your Time

When inspecting your own roofing, it’s very easy to rush through things as a result of being eager for results but this could cause accidents such as slips and falls. Instead, take your time when going over each section and if something doesn’t seem right, look again with more attention before moving on.

Use a Ladder

When inspecting your roof, you should always use a ladder that will be firm and safe to stand on. If possible, find a small stepladder or one with wheels to make it easier when moving around up there. Also, keep in mind that ladders can only hold so much weight before they begin to tip over from being overloaded which could lead to accidents such as falling off the rooftop. You need to be very careful when using a ladder and make sure that you are not overloaded with roofing equipment or anything else.

If you are not comfortable climbing up on the roof, you can also call a professional contractor to do it for you. They will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis of your roof’s condition as well as recommend any necessary repairs. By following these simple tips, you can perform a basic inspection of your own roof and determine if any repair work is needed.

Wear Gloves and Safety Goggles

It’s always a good idea to wear gloves when working with roofing materials and safety goggles when there is potential for debris or particles to fly into your eyes. This will help protect you from any injuries that may occur while inspecting your own roof.

Always Have Your Safety in Mind

When inspecting your own roof, always remember that safety should be your number one concern. Make sure to use ladders and equipment properly, wear the proper safety gear, and take your time so that you don’t put yourself in danger.

Now that you know what to look for when inspecting your own roof, it’s time to get started! Remember to be as thorough as possible and if you see anything wrong, have it fixed right away. By following these tips, you can help keep your home safe from water damage and other problems caused by a faulty roof.

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